Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus

Acronym : TSWV

Producto # : 39300

Detection of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus / TSWV TSWV is a quarantine virus of the Tospovirus family. It is transmitted by thrips. The virus is acquired by the larvae but not by the adults, whereas only adults transmit it. The Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus can infect more than 550 different species including ornamentals  and solanaceae.TSWV diagnosisTSWV

TSWV can induce a lot of different symptoms, which vary on the same host species with the cultivar, age, and environmental and nutritional conditions of the plant. However, the bronzing symptom in tomato leaves is characteristic. Dwarfism, necrotic rings, concentric spots, ribs necrosis, lesions on the stem and flower deformation can be observed.

Symptomatic chrysanthemum

    Available kits for the detection of TSWV : Every capture and detection antibodies used in following tests are monoclonal. Complete ELISA kit : Pathoscreen® For Double Antibody Sandwich (DAS) ELISA Capture and detection antibodies:  Monoclonal Flashkit® Reagent set Only SRA tests For Double Antibody Sandwich (DAS) ELISA Detection or coating antibodies Only SRA (DAS Double Antibody Sandwich -ELISA) Conjugate antibodies Only SRA (DAS Double Antibody Sandwich -ELISA)   Positive and negative controls are available.