
Agdia Now Accepting Hemp Samples for Pathogen Testing

Following decades of service to food crop and ornamental growers, Agdia’s in-house diagnostic laboratory is now offering its expansive disease testing program to the hemp market.

Deborah (Debi) Groth-Helms is the Director of Agdia’s Testing Services department. “We are excited to finally offer our comprehensive virus testing program to hemp growers and diagnosticians. For years we have worked with stock and seed producers in screening propagative tissues for the presence of key pathogens. Now we can help bolster the US hemp industry in their efforts to produce the healthiest plants possible.”

Agdia Testing Services offers multiple screening options and works with clients in customizing screens to best suit their needs. The basic Hemp Screen includes a panel of a dozen different tests for viruses, viroids, and other microorganisms.

According to Debi, “Information is being rapidly released on what causes disease in Cannabis. Having a big catalog of services already in place allows us to quickly respond to new reports. Experience working with closely related plant species helps us know what to monitor before an outbreak occurs.”

Included in the Hemp Screen are tests for Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Hop latent viroid (HLVd), and many others. The Curto-Becurtovirus Group test listed in the screen detects all of the various virus species associated with Beet curly top disease. Additional tests are also available for less common or emerging pathogens. These highly sensitive molecular assays can be used to detect diseases such as witches’ broom (Phytoplasma Group PCR) and Lettuce chlorosis virus (Closteroviridae Group PCR).

Currently the laboratory is only accepting hemp tissues from US submitters that hold an active hemp license through the USDA, their state government, or tribal entity.  Information on hemp licensing and the 2018 Farm Bill can be found on the USDA’s website. The laboratory recommends shipping plant material with the United States Postal Service (USPS) along with a completed sample submission form.

Information on how to send samples can be found on the Agdia website. Questions regarding samples, customized screens, requests for quotes, and all other inquiries can be sent to info@agdia-emea.com

Agdia commercialise un kit rapide pour la détection du virus ToBRFV

Agdia, Inc. (Elkhart, IN) étoffe son offre permettant le diagnostic du virus Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) avec un test bandelette rapide (ImmunoStrip®). Ce test de détection est le troisième  développé par Agdia pour la détection du ToBRFV en complément du test ELISA et du kit moléculaire d’amplification isotherme.

Image de prévisualisation YouTube

Le Tomato brown rugose fruit virus fait partie de la famille des Tobamovirus qui cause de sérieuses pertes économiques au niveau de la culture des solanacées incluant Solanum lycopersicum (tomate) et Capsicum spp. (poivron). Ce virus cause des symptômes typiques liés aux Tobamovirus comme des mosaïques et des chloroses sur feuilles, des déformations et décolorations sur fruits, les rendant non  commercialisables.

Des contrôles phytosanitaires des semences, des plants et fruits de tomates et poivrons sont aujourd’hui développés par plusieurs pays à l’international afin de réduire ou éviter l’introduction de ce virus sur leurs territoires. Le Tomato brown rugose fruit virus est classé comme organisme de quarantaine par l’OEPP (Organisation Européenne et Mediterranéenne pour la Protection des Plantes).

L’ImmunoStrip® ToBRFV développé par Agdia a été validé sur tomate, poivron, et petunia et a été testé sur différents isolats provenant de plusieurs pays.

Les tests rapides se présentent sous la forme de bandelettes et permettent une détection en quelques minutes du virus directement sur échantillon broyé dans un sachet fourni dans le kit.

Pour plus d’informations: info@agdia-emea.com

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