Pepino Mosaic Virus

Acronym : PepMV

Product # : 13001

Detection of Pepino Mosaic Virus / PepMV / Pepino mosaic potexvirus

Tomato Pepino Mosaic VirusPepino Mosaic Virus was first discovered in Peru in the seventies. PepMV is transmitted essentially by contacts. For example, PepMV can be transmitted by contaminated tools, workers’ hands and clothes, direct plant-to-plant contact and by seeds coming from contaminated plants.

Pepino mosaic virus can infect several types of crops as it has been discovered originally in the Pepino (Solanum Muricatum), but it is especially found in tomato greenhouses. Potatoes, cucumbers and certain types of tobacco plants can also be affected.

Available kits for the detection of PepMV:

Complete ELISA kit : Pathoscreen®

For Double Antibody Sandwich (DAS) ELISA
Capture and detection antibodies :  Polyclonal


Reagent set

Only SRA tests

For Double Antibody Sandwich (DAS) ELISA

Capture and detection antibodies : Polyclonal

Detection or coating antibodies

Only SRA (DAS Double Antibody Sandwich -ELISA)

Conjugate antibodies

Only SRA (DAS Double Antibody Sandwich -ELISA)