
Agdia’s AmplifyRP® testing platform uses a patented isothermal amplification technology, Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA), which enables highly specific and sensitive DNA or RNA analysis of plant pathogens in any type of testing environnement.

AmplifyRP® technology achieves the sensitivity and specificity of PCR based testing methods, but has some clear advantages. Unlike PCR, AmplifyRP® testing formats do not require thermal cycling. The entire process is completed at a single operating temperature (39°C) using a portable hot block or fluorometer. Additionally, AmplifyRP® does not require a DNA or RNA purification step. Crude sample extracts can be prepared using a simple extraction buffer and can be tested directly. This makes the testing process very simple and saves the end user valuable time.



No DNA / RNA purification
No thermal cycling
No expensive equipment
Total assay time: Less than 30 minutes


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